There are many ways to serve and participate without joining,
but becoming a member allows you to participate in the fullness of life at JAPC.
We celebrate every stage of your spiritual journey — exploration, visiting, becoming a member and continuing to grow in your faith. Becoming a member of JAPC means that you want to participate in the life of the church through giving your time and talents. Members vote in church meetings, serve on the boards of the church, and give financially to support the church.
About once a quarter, we hold a New Members Class. Each class offers the opportunity for prospective members to share their faith stories so far, to learn something of the Reformed Tradition, the corner of Christendom in which the Presbyterians are located, and how that tradition works itself out in the life and witness of JAPC, and to consider various ways in which we might practice our faith in our everyday lives. Then we’ll invite you to join the JAPC congregation. At the Session of the Elders meeting, we’ll choose a Sunday for you to be introduced to as a new member of the congregation.